Round the corner

In the midst of heady rush of festivities
I take a break to recharge
with a glass of masala chai* and butter toast
Out of nowhere, old man winter arrives
giving autumn a knockout punch
like a winded child autumn staggers
I hope it is able to catch its breath
no time for taking out woolies
with the festival of lights around the corner.

*Lots of roadside tea stalls and hole in the wall eateries in India serve milky tea brewed with cardamom and cinnamon served in glasses.

40 thoughts on “Round the corner

  1. This is very lovely–and I felt that punch of winter, to autumn, as seasons can change so rapidly! The chai sounds rather nice–and now I want to learn about the Festival of Lights! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, thank you Z! Winter often does that and so does summer! Poor autumn and spring! Yes, that chai, served in glasses and not cups, is quite special but one can’t have more than once in a day!
      I will share with you links to two poems about the festival of lights, Diwali, in a while. 🙂❤️


      1. Ooooh, I look forward to your shared links–thank you in advance!! So, is it Winter where you live–perhaps early? It’s autumn here…with predictions for a rough winter, to which I’m shouting, “NO, NO! Speak positive faith!” 🙂 ❤ I will google Diwali when I close the blog for tonight 🙂


      2. Oh, then we’re both in autumn–and YES, the weather can turn suddenly…it’s spooky! 🙂 Thank you muchly for the links, dear heart. I’m excited to learn more about your culture!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I went over to read, pronto! Interesting how, the more we learn, the more hungry we are for further inspiration ❤ It's also interesting to me that "Light" and celebrating with Light is part of more than a few religions–Excellent!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. A glass of milky chai – ahhh that would be amazing. You have described such a gorgeous scene, i bet it is beautiful there at this time of year. What temperatures do you get at the moment? ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, it’s not bad! The temperatures right now in Delhi are between 32℃to 18℃. Quite balmy actually and with festivities round the corner, it is wonderful. I had just posted for OctPoWriMo when I looked at the daily prompts and decided to have a go!
      Thanks a lot, dear. ❤️❤️


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