Morning jaunt

It kept me up the whole of long, dark night
tantalizingly coming close then taking flight

but the moon, my forever partner in crime,
stayed up earnestly, helping me rhyme!

then when the skies turned a pretty blush pink
and the sleepy sun cajoled me with golden winks

I surrendered my poem to the dawn. It stretched languidly
then fell into a rhythm, bidding me adieu, gliding fluidly!

it embraced gay metaphors dancing happily
smiling at similes hanging from trees lazily

nodding at adjectives it met in the park
sauntering by well-versed dogs that didn’t bark

refusing to pause for bird-like commas strewn on green grass
running sentences into each other without a clause!

I realised aubade is just the time to serenade a verse
when nouns and verbs in gentle breeze disperse

it assumes a life of its own refusing to fall in line for line
humming a tune I can’t call fully mine.

Written for dVerse MTB. Today’s host, Laura, says:

So for this MTB: Critique and Craft prompt, there are two writing choices:

  1. a poem evoking daybreak/greeting the dawn
  2. a poem about lovers parting at dawn
  • Please include ‘Morning’ or ‘Aubade’ somewhere in the title of your chosen poem
  • Either poem can be written in any rhyme scheme but since ‘aubade’ also refers to a piece of music to the morning then focus on making the words sound melodious.
  • For those who prefer more of a challenge, write in hymnal, ballad or a song format of your choosing

64 thoughts on “Morning jaunt

  1. “I realised aubade is just the time to serenade a verse when nouns and verbs in gentle breeze disperse,”.. yes!! This is gorgeously rendered, Punam 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve got a fresh word to add to my praises of your writing–ready?? “Atmospheric”…yep, a lot of your pieces are definitely atmospheric 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. An ode to a poem, or at least all its component parts, seems a perfect way to greet the dawn. I love the adjectives nodded at, the dogs who don’t bark, and the commas strewn on the grass especially.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Not just what beautiful poetry but how…a sense of how can poetry be do beautiful…with just that little extra, the beautiful description but always that little bit more, that endless partner in crime, the fact that the words were not fabricated entirely by you but came with the dawn you evocate, and that light, blossoming…such wonderful verse Punam. And just that little bit more than wondetful. Beauty has its place in this world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Beauty is all around us, Ain, but this unbridled greed, the urge to be ahead of others mars it. Thank you so much for the beautiful words you always leave. I felt I should write a gentle, joyful verse to mark the beginning of the day and I am happy that it resonated.

      Liked by 1 person

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