Why this, summer?

Baleful is the gaze of the fierce hot sun
the eggshell hued sky is bereft of any clouds
scorched, the earth is aflame in a smoky haze
the koel does not sing, the heat it shuns
though mango tree with blooms is heavy boughed
no squirrels are intent on a jaunty race

curled lies wind under barren Palash sapling
looking for refuge in the dry grass shroud
the day crawls slowly at a laboured pace
nectar of summer fruits leaves me thirsting
I am in a summer daze.

Here comes summer

Summer sun smiles, spreading its glorious, golden haze
wispy, swirling clouds laze in stone washed skies

incessant koel sings about mango inflorescence
heady, redolent fragrance arrives on dawn’s wings

palash splashed tiled walkways, laburnum laden trees
the cool breeze gently contours warm sunshiny days.

Written for dVerse MTB Thursday. Our host, Laura, challenges us to write a palinode. She says, “Take one of your own poems and write a Palinode as response to it (link to original or put alongside)”.

60 thoughts on “Why this, summer?

  1. You turned your original poem on its head in your palinode, Punam. I especially love the ‘eggshell hued sky’ and day crawling ‘slowly at a laboured pace’, although I also enjoyed the more upbeat ‘incessant koel sings about mango inflorescence’.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes and no

    That slap confirmed
    my birth as blinded
    And the fall from my self-created pedestal of pride
    I think I cried on the way home

    Innocence had disappeared
    And Fear had risen like a volcanic column
    Darkening the landscape
    And Masking the vengeance
    And wrath
    That now controlled my youth

    That slap
    Has opened my eyes
    to see you as you are
    Wretched and rotting being.
    My hate magnifies your desolation

    My righteousness gives clarity
    And courage expands my breast
    To utter with certainty,
    “You shall not cross my path again”
    I will see to it

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You have mastered the palinode here. The first is the palinode and has such a very different feel from the second. These words, exemplify that difference:
    “dry grass shroud” as opposed to, for example, summer sun smiles!
    Well done!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Beautifully written, Punam. I remember you saying that now you were in a pleasant time before the intense heat of summer. I could feel that heat–and also the delightful period before.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. You’re more than welcome. I don’t know if you were familiar with Paul Lenzi’s writing–he was a wonderful man, as well as gifted writer. Unfortunately he’d had some terrible medical issues, and was taken from us too soon. So you’d better stay healthy, young lady–I don’t want to lose you too–it would break my heart.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. No, unfortunately I was not, Leslie. How sad he went too early. Right now I don’t have any major health issues, so I can assure I will be here, popping in your reader quite regularly. 😉😀

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Another blogger expressed concern that I have a habit of “disappearing” (closing blogs without notice)–I offered her my email, so that if it happens again she can still find me. If that’s something you’d like too, let me know–I don’t share it with the world, but some of us stick together like velcro, in which case I don’t mind😊

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Mmm… what an incandescent piece, my friend! How you speak of Summer… it’s so charming and attention-gripping… no dusts and sweats at all. It’s a fond appreciation of this tough season on our side, and I love the feeling.

    Liked by 2 people

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