Off the block

(From shutterstock)

Words, words, words! However much I write about them, there is always more to write.
They gush forth like a river in spate, giving me no pause to stem their flow. They gurgle happily like an infant asking to be mollycoddled. They are like an earworm refusing to be quietened. They fall over each other clamouring to be captured and meet the eye of the reader.

It is often the paucity of time that puts breaks on their ride. Some wither away, some die with exhaustion and some go in hibernation refusing to be cajoled to grace the pages. Only the hardy ones survive to tell their tale.

Perhaps it is my pact with them that I will give voice to them without being judgemental which keeps them from deserting me.

Raindrops keep falling
a backdrop to my musings
constant thrum of words.

Written for dVerse. Today’s host Frank says: Feeling a little blocked? Vent about it! Have a story to tell about a recent writer’s block? Go for it? Never had writer’s block? Tell us your secret! However you approach it, write your haibun that alludes to this perennial frustration of writers.

64 thoughts on “Off the block

  1. good one, I’ve never experienced it so not tempted to join in 🙂 Great haibun and perfect pic with those jolly words exploding out everywhere … no need to hid them

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the idea of viewing words (and writing) as a cuddly baby and a blessing, not a curse. I find it interesting that so many writers complain of not being able to “find their words.” Like you, if I sit down and let the pen move, the waterfall of words begins. The hardest part I think for most of us is the “sit down” part. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a wordaholic. Words draw me like a magnet. I’m inspired to write a poem of idioms, metaphors, peculiar words, and oddities for example.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Words are my constant companions. Sometimes they trip over each other, often they linger. But they are always there when I need them, and often when I’d rather they took a nap and left me in peace for a while!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well said! I love the idea of making a pact – being non-judgmental and they don’t abandon you!! Beautiful description of the writer’s words.


    1. Thanks so much! You are so right…it is the sifting. You are the second person to point out mollycoddling. One of my teachers used it pretty often. I guess it rubbed off.


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