Lost Verses

Some words had lost their way

Allured by moonlit nights

Meandering into pleasurable diversions

Enamoured with the distant skies

Frolicking with joy

Lulled by their surroundings

They forgot to string verses

That they were always meant to do.

It happens…

Sometimes some words sit in a corner

Sulking and brooding

Refusing to be engaged

Many a times they play hookey

Like gleeful schoolkids

Relishing what’s forbidden

At other times words fall into deep, dark crevices

Finding tenebrosity soothing

And are too jaded, enervated

To start the arduous climb back

Then one fine day out of sheer will to be heard

They all slowly, inchingly find their way back

To be reunited with the rest

And flow again, as verses.

46 thoughts on “Lost Verses

  1. I think we sometimes forget that words need to travel and experience more in life before settling down to become verses. Eventually, when they are ready, they align themselves perfectly and take on a more worldly glow. At least this is my experience. Beautifully penned!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Some what on the lines of setting free those we love? You make perfect sense when you put it like that, but sometimes they need a gentle prod to come back. Thank you so much for adding much needed depth to my words.How logical your take is compared to my illogical ramble. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, yes, you get my words perfectly 🙂 I was trying to put myself in the shoes of those wandering words. Yes, a gentle nudge can be helpful if it is in the form of a reminder that perhaps it’s time to return. But, as you know, we should never force them as they will rebel and come out all wrong 🙂 And, dear friend, there is nothing illogical about your rambles 🙂 Oh, and you are welcome!!! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You are kindly welcome, for both 🙂 I do enjoy spending time with your words, listening to them chatter about where they’ve been and what they’ve been up to. And, I’ll be here as long as they are here ❤

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