I in you/you in me (a cento)

Pic courtesy payload.cargocollective.com

I am the ocean, it flows thru my veins 

I am, whom the wind caresses

I am the constellation you forgot

to name

shimmering in unity

I am one with life

I grab every chance to unfold & re-

fold and fold into my-

self, a butterfly every season 

(bathroom mirror view) 

Am I even worthy of scrutiny?

I wallow in self- pity and grief

I remained in denial // it was never the time 

(This a time capsule selfie, Of heart break and sorrow)

I, clearing the mind after heavy storm,

 survived the darkest of nights

my flesh is not for sale,

I’m not ready to lie straight

before the wind & waves

have washed away

all traces left of me 

I don’t need to search

myself, my heart or mind for embers

of memories 

A far wind instructs me

self-love is essential to love another

My pain transformed into compassion 

dishes, laundry, shopping, work; 

poetry, poetry, poetry

and I’ve a language of my own

like no other you’ve ever known

I wait for the beat to even out

I’m not myself today, happily

I sing my not-self and celebrate 

The words I write, they are for me 

I feed my inner self the daily dose of spiritual healing

the tapestry of life being

embroidered one stitch at a time

each dawn bringing a new strand to fore

I hope I’ve done my Maker proud.

Created for dVerse poetics Tuesday. Our host, Melissa, invited us to write a cento today. She shared links of some of our past prompts. One of them was the one I had hosted, “How about a selfie!“. I have taken a line each from every participant’s poem and created this beautiful (if I may say so myself!) Cento as a tribute to my fellow writers. Thank you everyone ! 💖Thanks, Melissa, for a lovely challenge.❤️

You can find all the links here.

44 thoughts on “I in you/you in me (a cento)

  1. What a lovely thing to do, Punam, taking a line each from every poem response to your prompt as a tribute to fellow writers! It is indeed a beautiful cento. I like the repetition of ‘I am’ and the way it reflects in the title.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. How complex, multilayered and quilted your tribute to those who responded to your selfie prompt, Punam! Beautifully stitched interweavings!

    You have also reminded me how loosely I interpreted Melissa’s brief this time… I completely ignored the sense of a patchwork/collage/quilt, although that is perhaps a scheme that i can explore another time.

    How tactile and fingertip-end our compositions are, again! Love xxx

    Liked by 1 person

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