By the sea

Baga beach, Goa (Pic courtesy Food Ravel)

Moon-drenched, the silvery sea shimmers
the tide tiptoes, sombre and foreboding
carrying messages from beyond the horizon
the waves hurl themselves with suddenness
my toes curl at the salty sting of lashing water
the sea rushes to erase
all that was written on the sand
leaving behind broken sea-shells, water-logged sandcastles

and my unquiet heart grieves
at the whiff of remembered citrusy-pepper notes.

Written for David’s W3 where POW Sarah, invites us to

  • Compose an ekphrastic poem inspired by any image of a body of water (ocean, waterfall, lake, etc.). The image you select may be a photo you have taken, art you have created, or any other image you like.
  • Include the image with the poem.
  • There are no other requirements (form, meter, rhyme, etc.) for this prompt – your poem need only be inspired by the image you select.

22 thoughts on “By the sea

  1. Punam I love this nighttime poem! I went to the shore in Florida where the bioluminescence on the sand was amazing – every step taken was a flash of light and every footstep was immediately erased by the water… Love the impermanence expressed!!

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