Would you…

If I tell you I want to walk barefoot

on the dew soaked carpet of grass

to feel alive as it tickle my toes

and count the leaves swirling n twirling in the cool breeze

as I ever so gently touch the velvety petals of a wild flower

would you join me or laugh at me as one would at a newbie?

do you find it strange that rain

still makes me want to play with paper boats

to catch the falling raindrops on my tongue

and on moon-less, star studded nights

I wish I could bottle a few stars, like fireflies in a jar

to light my world when darkness seeps in

as I type this, I feel like a phoney

for I am giving a miss to

the darkening thunder clouds outside my window

stay awhile…

let me first enjoy the light and sound show!

66 thoughts on “Would you…

  1. Your opening four lines, are fabulous
    “If I tell you I want to walk barefoot
    on the dew soaked carpet of grass
    to feel alive as it tickle my toes
    and count the leaves swirling n twirling in the cool breeze”

    and made me remember these last four lines of my poem ‘Singing A Song For You’
    “It’s so long since celestial sounds covered you
    With lyrics of our eternal love, so true
    Years ago when our love was new
    Laying upon fresh grass, bodies entwined upon morning dew.”

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How beautiful, j got swept up into this whimsical scene and wanted to join you within it. So many gorgeous lines:
    “do you find it strange that rain
    still makes me want to play with paper boats”
    I don’t find it strange, I find that gorgeous. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I walk on the grass alone
    So alone that my each foot has a step of its own
    They don’t walk together either
    I make paper boats but never play with them when it rains
    I just watch the rain thru my bedroom window
    The raindrops are in motion but I sit still like a lifeless statue
    Watching the rain, holding the paperboat in my hand
    I love watching the stars too
    I wish to carry them in my pockets to brighten the life
    The life that sees thunderstorm even in a clear sky
    So let me walk with you❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Such a beautiful poignant response, Yasmin.❤️
      I am beyond touched! Walk with me, dear and I am sure you will sail paper boats and your pockets will be full of stars and thunderstorms will recede. 💞💞

      Liked by 1 person

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