My body

My body does not remember
the pain inflicted on it
though the scars in their ugly permanence
evoke memories I’m unable to erase.

My body does not remember
the abuse I made it go through
the sag testimony of the flab
that was shamed for being there.

My body does not remember
the infrequent bursts of joy
they were so insufficient
I can’t recall their taste.

My body does not remember
the touch that made me quiver
but it does remember the touch
that made me cower in fear.

Written for dVerse poetics. Today’s host, Sarah, says: Anaphora is a powerful way of creating emphasis, and I think it gives a feel of a litany or a great speech. It’s something we all use quite casually in our verse, but tonight I want you to really lean into it, and work that repetition.

I’d like you to pick one of these verbs as the repeating verb

  • remember
  • dream
  • eat
  • choose
  • love
  • fear
  • hope
  • paint
  • lose

70 thoughts on “My body

  1. Punam, this one is so painfully true. The mind cannot recall the body’s actual pain only the actions or circumstances tied to it. If it were not true the human race would have become extinct!

    Liked by 2 people

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