I am

Day 30 OctPoWriMo

Prompt: I am

Form: Free verse

I am not what you think
I am not even really what I actually think I am

I am not what the world wants me to be
I seep under the skin where I can only be felt and not seen

I am not just my words most days
my expanse is way beyond them
though, my words are very much me

I am not only someone in relation to others
I am me before all relations

I am
a suspended wave
a hurricane in the making
sometimes a river in spate
yet, insatiable

an exclamation in anticipation of a full stop
a worn out book
with some still unturned pages

an answer to unasked questions
a question to all answers
sometimes an adrift statement

an unpeeled orange
a somewhat bitten apple
or maybe somewhat like a carved watermelon

an enigma
so predictable
still unwrapping the beauty of existence
but yearning for the familiar

I am so like yet unlike you
I am mostly me
but some days quite unrecognisable.

Reena’s Exploration Challenge #159

Friday Fun – beauty

66 thoughts on “I am

  1. i’m yet to come across a more comprehensive description of the self. The imagery is striking. I especially loved the lines

    still unwrapping the beauty of existence
    but yearning for the familiar

    Liked by 2 people

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