Self discovery

Day 28 OctPoWriMo

Prompt: Journey/ choices

Form: Free verse

The face that stares at me in the mirror, I know not

seems vaguely familiar, but different

I look closely and trace the contours of my face

trying to find what you see there

your fingertips, as they trail over my soul,

reveal facets that were unknown to me

It is a lingering gaze one day

unravelling all my resolves

promising me an unexplored vista

yesterday your piercing stare

flustered me and derailed my plans

rebuke stares me down some days

loathing on others, halts my pace

Every night I meticulously organise my life

every morning you tear my organiser

as I continue to look at my reflection,

the one who gazes at me from behind the mirror

smiles wryly at my bewilderment and disappears

I sigh as I embark on the unremitting journey of self discovery

yet again.

29 thoughts on “Self discovery

  1. ‘as I continue to look at my reflection,
    the one who gazes at me from behind the mirror
    smiles wryly at my bewilderment and disappears
    I sigh as I embark on the unremitting journey of self discovery
    yet again.’
    This blew my mind girl.. 🤗💕💕💕

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Punam, a very well-composed and relatable poem. I am not religious, but consider the Bible a source of wisdom. This poem brought a Bible verse to mind.”For he beholdeth himself and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.” James 1:24 KJV To the forgetting, add the changes we see over time. Self-discovery is an ongoing process!

    Liked by 3 people

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