First love

Love came to her unannounced

Without any heralds or fanfare

Gently tiptoeing into her being

Tucking flowers in her unruly hair

Imbueing her eyes with faraway dreams

Stars descending from heavens on her palms

Making her feet dance to an unheard melody

Her lips fluttering in a smile like a bloom

Her heartbeat tattooing just one name in her chest

Butterfly desires flitting in her heart

She floated like a feather on the wings of hope

Staying wide awake on velvety nights

Talking to the lonesome, sympathetic moon

With fireflies as her handmaidens,

And the night owl chaperoning her

Gentle zephyr teased her, bringing a flush to her cheeks

As she cartwheeled on the candy coloured clouds

No human tongue made any sense to her

Nature spoke to her in myriad languages

Making her loquacious as well as tongue-tied by turns

Love can do many strange things

But the first flush of love

Can certainly leave anyone delirious.

पहले प्यार का खुमार कुछ इस तरह छा गया

पाँव जमीं पर न पड़े, हमें उड़ना आ गया!

Intoxicated by the effects of first love

I scarce could walk, I learnt to float!

Written for World of Words (prompt: प्यार, which is Hindi for “love”)

World of Words, is a weekly prompt hosted by Jade of Jade M. Wong, (, Rosemarie of A Reading Writer and Maria of Doodle Scribbles.

71 thoughts on “First love

  1. Punam, I felt the flutters of that kind of love that you describe so vividly. I am left wanting to be delirious in this way! Fireflies, flowers in my hair, a name tattooed on my heart. Gorgeous! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, for sure! But there is something so special about first love, isn’t it! I guess falling in love is easy, staying in love takes hard work!
      Thank you so much, Andrew. Your words always brighten my day.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “Tucking flowers in her unruly hair
    Imbueing her eyes with faraway dreams
    Stars descending from heavens on her palms
    Making her feet dance to an unheard melody”

    Such beautiful and romantic lines!❤ I loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

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