Is right, right?

When thse who wield the power, stoop to conquer

And there are those whose conviction is their guiding light

When thoughts need a permit to express themselves

Then heart rebels with all its might

When those perceived weak have the strongest voice

And the powerful have blinkered sight

When people refuse to accept that grey exists

For black is not always black nor white is white

When the right presumably is not always right

But uses might to suppress what’s right

When there seems no light at the end of the tunnel

And there’s no sign of a morn after the darkest night

Then the flickering hope that resides in the breast

Refuses the bait of cynicism to bite

In the scheme of things hope maybe laughed at

But it gives despondency a good fight

For it knows hubris will one day meet nemesis

Shattered pride will all be left of the right

Because you can use sleight of hand sometimes

But cannot dim the truth burning bright.

61 thoughts on “Is right, right?

  1. “For black is not always black nor white is white” – and thinking it is is downright dangerous and ignorant. Love the rhyme and flow of this, which emphasizes the punch of your message ❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ahhh very profound Punam…you are right “grey” exist..and what maybe right for some may not be for others or what maybe good for others may not be good for some…

    Liked by 1 person

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