
Today, we’d like to challenge you to write your own sad poem, but one that, like Teicher’s, achieves sadness through simplicity. Playing with the sonnet form may help you – its very compactness can compel you to be straightforward, using plain, small words.


The old brick building with grey stucco

has now a coat of garish red.

As I walk, the empty corridors echo

desolation fills me with dread.

The walls have framed pictures of the departed

and the classrooms are an empty shell

It’s a holiday, classes have not started,

I wish I could hear friends’ voices as I hear the bell.

In the changed layout, I look for the tree

under which we used to have lunch

The silent sentinel to our laughter carefree

has made way for a concrete bench.

The library that was once my shrine

I realise ruefully, is no longer mine.

53 thoughts on “School

      1. I also did the same a couple of years back. I was shocked by how intimately familiar parts of it felt – the memories came flooding, collecting ants under a certain tree, swirling in circles until we felt sick, playing on the bars until my hands ripped ….. so familiar, and yet so foreign. Kind of bittersweet I guess 💛

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  1. even though it seems simple and sad as per the instructions, these words somehow make me feel the innocent happiness of those days and faint echoes of that laughter. loved it, library girl!

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  2. using words like echo conveys the emptiness and sadness, especially for the places you once held dear. i recall with much fondness my own wooden school house and the friends i had then, beautifully sad Punam, some memories need this heaviness

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    1. It is wonderful to have pleasant memories of school. When I visited a couple of years ago, in my naivety I expected it to be the same…thus the heaviness. Thank you so much, Gina for understanding this.

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  3. You have captured the feeling of nostalgia beautifully. 🙂 Feeling nostalgic is a wonderful luxury and then when you actually do go back, it always disappoints. This has happened to me many times 💕😢

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  4. You’ve created a wonderful atmosphere of sadness and I love all the word choices to that end. Well done, Punam.

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