Love found in loveless matches

He found love

on the aisle marked

consumer durables

for marriage entailed

a host of electronic items,

household items as bridal gifts

(euphemism for dowry)

they started as strangers

who were given a licence

by the society

to become intimate

he had not expected

to be smitten

by this girl chosen by his parents.

In India arranged marriages are still the norm and people do find love in such matches.

23 thoughts on “Love found in loveless matches

  1. I do believe we can learn to love someone, even those chosen for us by others. Excellent, Punam. Love the euphemism, too.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful poem Punam my dear! 🤗 💞

    Since love grows in my perspective or experience from a place of friendship I think an arranged marriage can definitely a potential relationship of deep love, respect, and friendship.😊❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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